Washburn University
White Concert Hall
Topeka, KS
Source: Church Audio CA-11 omnis > CA-9000 > Edirol R-09 @24/48
Location: front row center / mics collar mounted
Transfer: SD card > pc > Audacity (amplification and fades) > dithered to 16 bit w/ r8brain > CDWave > Flac level 6
Taped and Transferred by: Jeremy Lykins (jeremylykins hotmail com)
01. intro
Adam Rainey with Cathy Altman on piano
02. Konzertantes Allegro (Alexej Lebedev)
03. New Orleans (Eug�ne Bozza)
Avenue C
04. intro
05. ? Wilky Ridwig's Dance ?
06. medley from "The Incredibles"
Jason Goudeau assisted by Washburn Jazz Combo
07. intro
08. Caravan
09. Lament
Greater Kansas City Trombone Choir
10. Scarborough Fair (arr. Bill Reichenbach)
11. Rolling Thunder (arr. Chris Waage)
Elementary and Middle School conducted by Sarah Braun
12. The Rainbow Connection (arr. Karen Ballard)
High School, College, and Beyond conducted by Dr. Michael Mapp
13. Lean On Me
All trombonists conducted by Dr. Michael Mapp
14. Stadt der Magie
notes: "Stadt der Magie" commissioned for this event. Tracks 11 and 12 also include the Greater Kansas City Trombone Choir. There was a lot of dead air between bands that I cut out.
from the Topeka Capital-Journal:
"Trombonopolis slides into White Concert Hall
Trombonists will celebrate their unique instrument Saturday at Washburn University during its inaugural Trombonopolis. Trombone players of all abilities and skill levels will gather from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for master classes and rehearsal sessions, culminating at 3 p.m. with a free concert in White Concert Hall. Guest artists include Adam Rainey, bass trombonist, Kansas City Symphony Orchestra; Jason Goudeau, jazz freelance player; Greater Kansas City Trombone Choir; and Avenue C Trombone Quartet."
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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