Washburn University
White Concert Hall
Topeka, KS
Source: Church Audio CA-11 omnis > CA-9000 > Edirol R-09 @24/48
Location: front row center / mics collar mounted
Transfer: SD card > pc > Audacity (compression, amplification, and fades) > dithered/resampled to 16/44.1 w/ r8brain > CDWave > Flac level 6
Taped and Transferred by: Jeremy Lykins (jeremylykins hotmail com)
01. intro by Karen Ballard
Kevin Hicks (with Paul Priddy, piano; Forrest Evans, bass; Nico Williams, drums)
02. Blue Daniel [Frank Rosolino (1926-1978)]
03. In A Sentimental Mood [Duke Ellington (1899-1974)]
04. song introductions
05. Ladybird [Tadd Dameron (1917-1965)]
Jason Robins (with Cathy Altman, piano)
06. Morceau Symphonique [Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911)]
07. Gizelle [Jose U. da Silva (1935)]
08. Marquinhos No Frevo [Jose U. da Silva (1935)]
Slide Noise Quartet
09. Hello [Adele (1988); arr. Colin Scott]
10. Uptown Funk > Star Wars medley [Mark Ronson (1975)/Bruno Mars (1985); arr. Gregory Scheetz]
Elementary and Middle School directed by Eston D. Bell
11. Waltz [Franz Schubert (1797-1828)]
High School and College directed by Nicholas Bell
12. Finlandia [Jean Sibelius (1865-1957); arr. Michael McDonough]
All trombonists directed by Nicholas Bell
13. Stadt der Magie [Brittany Slaughter (1989)]
14. Battle Pavane [Tielmann Susato (1500-1564); arr. David J. Fetter]
notes: Trombone festival and workshop.
If you play trombone and want to come hang out with fellow trombonists, this event is for you! At Washburn University on Sunday, January 10th, from 1pm-7:30pm we will be having the second annual Trombonopolis event. Guest artists this year include Kevin Hicks (from Los Angeles), Jason Robins (from Alabama Symphony Orchestra) and the Slide Noise Quartet (from Topeka!). For only $20 you can be a part of this awesome event! There will be masterclasses from each of the solo artists and trombone choirs for various age groups to play in, as well as a mass trombone choir for ALL ages. The concert is at 6:30pm in White Concert Hall and is free to attend. The registration deadline has passed, but you can still be a part of this great experience! Just enter your information on! If you have any questions, please contact Karen Ballard or call 407-484-0017. Don't forget to bring your instrument!!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Trombonopolis2016-01-10WashburnUniversityWhiteConcertHallTopekaKS (6).jpg
Trombonopolis2016-01-10WashburnUniversityWhiteConcertHallTopekaKS (7).jpg
Trombonopolis2016-01-10WashburnUniversityWhiteConcertHallTopekaKS (8).jpg
Trombonopolis2016-01-10WashburnUniversityWhiteConcertHallTopekaKS (9).jpg