Tuba Skinny
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
Economy Hall Tent
New Orleans, La.
April 26, 2024
01. radio intro 0:17
02. (unknown) 3:03
03. Glo Worm Wobble 4:25
04. It Gets Easier 4:27
05. Take It Easy 4:52
06. Sun Brimmer's Blues 4:56
07. Harlem Joys 4:49
08. El Deber de los Dos 5:20
09. El Rado Scuffle 4:16
10. Come On In 6:25
11. band intro 0:57
12. Hot Town 3:56
13. Just like Two Drops of Water 4:48
Total: 52:38
source: WWOZ-FM > Yamaha TX-900 vintage tuner > Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 (2nd generation) audio interface > USB > MacBook Air (M1 2020, OSX 14.4.1) > SoX > flac (44.1 kHz, 16bit) > iZotope RX 10 Advanced v10.4.0.1926 (see editing notes below) > X Audio Compression Toolkit 2.55 (tagged, sector boundaries repaired) > flac
Editing notes:
* A 0.2-second broadcast dropout occurred at 1:32 into Track 2; it was repaired with a 1.5-second splice from a near-identical passage;
* An 8.7-second station ID at 3:42 into Track 4 was removed and cross-faded;
* A 6.5-second station ID at 4:45 into Track 7 was removed and cross-faded;
* A few seconds later (also in Track 7, beginning of Track 8), I removed the first 31 seconds of a 65-second station ID and announcements. I retained the first part of the announcements as it plays on top of the beginning of the song;
* A 0.01-second glitch occurred at 4:03 into Track 9. It was edited out;
* A 14.2-second station ID at 3:48 into Track 12 was edited out and a cross-fade was applied;
* A -30db notch filter was used to remove the 19kHz FM pilot tone; and
* The entire recording was normalized by 1.75 then the left channel was boosted another 0.5 db, leaving about 0.10 db head room.
The broadcast mix of Track 2 is in flux for much of the song, with the volume of the left channel dropping then rising several times before resolving.
Tuba Skinny was scheduled to play the Economy Hall Tent from 4:25 p.m. to 5:25 p.m. on the first Friday of the 2024 Jazzfest.
This over-the-airwaves FM broadcast was recorded (and edited) by Richard Russell (nolataper) in New Orleans. It is not from the online mp3 live stream.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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