Tyler Childers
Farm Aid 2021
A Theatre in
Hartford, CT
September 25, 2021
** 16 BIT **
Source: Schoeps MK4V radial cardioids (in a Kangol hat) > Nbob actives > Nbox Platinum > Roland R-05 @ 24 bit/48 kHz
Mastering: .WAV > iZotope RX7 Advanced v7.01.315 (De-click) > Sound Forge Pro 14.0 Build 140 [minor edits, normalize, & fades, Boz Digital Labs T-Bone plug-in (slant EQ)] > CDWav
(tracking) > iZotope MBIT+ (dithered and downsampled to 16 bit/44.1 kHz) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 6.0.35 (tagging)
Location: Section 800, Row GG - 5th row of second section back, to the left of center from the stage
Recorded by: Jim Kelly (musicjaime)
Mastered by: Dennis Orr
Setlist: (32:41)
(The Old Country Church)
01 Take My Hounds To Heaven (fades in)
02 Country Squire
03 Bus Route
04 Creeker
05 Tulsa Turnaround
06 House Fire
07 Help Me Make It Through The Night
Tyler Childers - lead vocals & acoustic & electric guitars
James Barker - pedal steel & electric guitar
"The Professor" Jesse Wells - fiddle, electric guitar, & banjo
Chase Lewis - keyboards
Craig Burletic - electric bass & backing vocals
Rodney Elkins - drums
Jim paused the recorder between sets, and forgot to turn it back on at the start of this one. The first song and the first part of the second song are missing.