John Wetton: bass and vocals
Allan Holdsworth: guitar
Eddie Jobson: keyboards and violin
Bill Bruford: drums and percussion
Morris Stage
Morristown, New Jersey, USA
July 4, 1978
runtime: 68:41 (minutes/seconds)
1: Alaska > 5:15
2: time to kill 5:19
3: the only thing she needs 7:25
4: carrying no cross 10:03
5: sahara of snow 10:35
6: thirty years > by the light of day > presto vivace > 10:47 (flip cut at 9:48)
7: in the dead of night 7:25
8: forever until sunday and encore applause 6:58
9: Ceasar's Palace Blues 4:54
audience master tape made with unknown mikes and deck (good ones) >
1st. gen. copy (maxell XLI 90 min. cassette) >
played on tascam 112 into soundforge (wav) >
FLAC 6 (sb's aligned) > torrentially yours.
a this and that production.
do not sell this recording.
share freely, losslessly and gaplessly.
thanks to the taper
all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.