Uberjam 01/10/2015 Jam Cruise 13 - Pantheon Theater, MSC Divina

Source: Schoeps cmc65xt (FOB/DFC @ 30', Cardioid, PAS) -> Sonosax SX-M2 -> Apogee Mini-Me -> Sound Devices 744T -> WAV (@24/96);
Transfer: WAVs -> SoundForge Pro 11.0 (EQ, normalize, fades, 96->44.1 iZotope 64-Bit SRC w/anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit iZotope MBIT+ Dither w/ Ultra/High settings) -> CDWav -> FLAC

Recorded, transferred and encoded by Eric McRoberts 04/03-04/2015

One Set Show:
01. Acidhead
02. Cracked Ice
03. Every Night Is Ladies Night
04. banter - band intros
05. Thikhathali
06. Curtis Knew
07. Al Green Song
08. I Don't Need No Doctor *
09. Endless Summer
10. outro/crowd

John Scofield - Guitar
Adam Deitch - Drums, Beatbox
Avi Bortnick - Guitar, Samples
Andy Hess - Bass

* w/ Nigel Hall - Keys/Vox

Jam Cruise 13 Day 5: 3:30 - 5:00 PM. This set was soriginally scheduled to be on JC 13 Day 4, Friday 01/09/2015 from 9:30 - 11:30 PM on the Pool Deck but the set was cancelled, rescheduled and moved indoors due to rain and strong winds. The set was lightly attended as it wasn't very well known that the set was even taking place in the Pantheon Theater. More people showed up as the set went on, but then dissappeared again as the rescheduled Jerry Garcia Tribute set got going a little later in the Black & White Lounge.

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
