umphreys mcgee
track 29
chattanooga, tn

set 1 (1:06)

01- plunger >
02- anchor drops
03- in the kitchen
04- bullhead city*
05- miss tinkle's overture
06- uncommon
07- jajunk pt1 >
08- barracuda*

set 2 (1:25)

01- 13 days >
02- jajunk pt2
03- walletsworth
04- robot world >
05- mulches odyssey
06- wife soup
07- the pequod >
08- the triple wide >
09- cut the cable
10- breathe (w/time ending)

* with jennifer hartswick

played "anchor drops" album in its entirety!

source: km184(NOS)>v2>mr1000(24/96) fob, ~6' roc, ~8.5' up - by john m
transfer: mr1000>audiogate(16/44.1)>cdwave>tlh(flac8) by john m

thanks to nathan for securing a spot for the stands inside the sbd rails! thanks to the band and the venue for being taper friendly!

rest in peace eric vandercar