Unknown Street Musician
Naples, Italy
Castel Sant'Elmo
03. Oktober 2022
Minimax-master-series #1535
Master - Audience recording
Taping-location: standing on the ground, at the right side of the artist, about 1,86 meter away from him
sound-quality: exc-
Equipment: Zoom H4N with included mics
sitting at the café on the big place outside of the Castel Sant'Elmo drinking some cappuccino this unknown musician
came on, build his "stage" and started playing some italian folky tunes. I recorded his first set only.
And it was a sunny and hot, early afternoon on that beautiful location with a great view over Naples in the back.
unknown artist
just two pictures are included
Support this man, however you will do it
Support the street musicians, local or world wide, doesn't matter
Give them some money for what their doing
Buy all their merch and recordings if they have some
Never ever sell this one! No MP3s please....
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: