Valley Of The Sun
Krach am Bach 2022
Am Plattenladen, Beelen, Germany
August - 06 - 2022 (app. 13:00>14:05)
Main Stage (Day #2/Act #1)
It's a Spacebandit, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
2-source-recorder audience matrix
Lineage 1: Line Audio CM3 condenser mics > Zoom H5 > WAV (24-bit, 48kHz) > FLAC
Location 1: Mics mounted on a MicStack at 2.7 meters at the soundboard app. 20 meters to stage, almost center
Lineage 2: OKM2R > Zoom H2n > WAV (24-bit, 48kHz) > FLAC
Location 2: On small tripod, on left side facing the stage, on speaker stack
Recorded by Spacebandit, remastered by dear RMCH.
Remaster - Each source
1. Re-balance frequencies / EQ
2. Correct segmental volume differences
3. Balance channels
4. Re-build missing section in Stack source
5. Sync sources
6. Mix sources using 2-source stereo technique
7. Adjust peaks
8. Track and verify set list
A few pics are added, sorry no setlist scan, as there was no setlist sheet onstage...
Festival notes:
Welcome back to the outskirts of nowhere, section Westphalia. Our little lovely festival survived the delay despite to the shit we all know. But finally it was set up and...dare I say...supersonic fantastic as usual.
Some statistics:
Admission fee: 65 € for both days, including camping.
Attendence: official 2500...
Catering: beer booths + cocktail bars, thai or turkish food all circled around the main festival ground. Prices moderate, but higher for food than three years before.
Beer was - as far as I know - Hohenfelder Pilsener (a local brewery).
Merchandise: Left side of the main stage, official festival booth, lots of space for the band merch.
Backstage: As fine as usual, very relaxed for both musicians (many stayed for hours after their show, or for both days!) and "workers".
Weather: On Thursday (the day before) it was up to 36+C, cooled down, rainy on friday morning, perfect weather on both days (app. 25+C), but fucking cold at night (8+C). Climate change? Is there any?
Others: No known hassles or other useless occurances. The small stage moved from the back of the main ground to the left side facing the stage with only one entrance. This has to be revived in future, as it was very
crowded and hard to get in for the main attractions for many listeners into the front that stage (Kombynat/Kanaan).
My grateful thanks to the chiefs Klaus + Christian for letting me do my work, to the soundcrew (very fine, very nice, very many cool chats), to all the helpers at Krach, the supersmooth security, my friends Jens and
ol' motorpsychedelic companion Markus for doing whatever it needed to get this marvellous great festival documented. Bigger than norwegian mountain hugs from me to all involved. It was just a "float". DANKE SCHÖN!
And now...let's get the tapes rolling...
01 Intro 1:42
02 Old Gods 6:34
03 Hearts Aflame 5:51
04 Deep Light Burns 3:52
05 Sweet Sands 5:17
06 Maya 3:56
07 Mariner’s Tale 6:11
08 Headlights 3:42
09 Sunblind 5:46
10 Devil I’ve Become 5:05
11 The Chariot 8:14
12 Land of Fools 7:20
Total Time: 63:30
Ryan Ferrier - Guitar, Vocals.
Chris Sweeney - Bass, Keyboards.
Josh Pilot - Guitar.
Lex Vegas - Drums.
Spacey's notes:
Good morning, Krach, for the second day of the 22 edition. Following a freezing cold night with app. 2 hours of sleep in the back of my car, with the blazing sun coming out early, a good and healthy breakfast and
a quick setup of the recording gear, it was time for the opening show. And -as usual - the bookers knew what a "wake up call" is. As the Vallayers of the sun stated..."they just rolled out of their coffins to kick
your ass". I smply have nothing to add. THey were mot my favourite act playin' "the endless steppes of the cornfields", but they definitely refreshed the brain cells and put the shaky bones back into order.
So, enjoy some high speed Stoner from Cincinnatti, Ohio, US of A. and raise a good beer! SB
Spacebadit/RMCH 2022/08/17
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: