Van Morrison
Webber Hall
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA
June 7, 1975, 11:00 PM Show
Lost California Performances
JF Archive Series No. 7 via JEMS
Taper: JF
Source: unknown recorder > unknown microphone (mono)
JEMS 2015 Transfer: JF master TDK cassette > Nakamichi CR-7A (azimuth adjustment) > Sound Devices USBPre 2 > Audacity 2.0 (24/96) capture > iZotope RX4 > iZotope Ozone 5 > iZotope RX MBIT+ resample 16/44.1 > Peak Pro XT (edit / index) > xACT 2.21 > FLAC
01 Alright, Okay, You Win (Count Basie/Joe Williams)
02 One Of These Days (Mose Allison)
03 Blue Money
04 Wild Night
05 I Have Finally Come To Realize
06 Brown Eyed Girl
07 I�ve Been Working
08 St Dominic�s Preview > Walk On The Wild Side (Lou Reed) > You Can�t Always Get What You Want (Rolling Stones)
09 Gloria
JEMS is pleased to revisit the JF Archive and release another title in the Van Morrison Lost California Performances series. For further details and backstory on JF, his tapes and the extraordinary lost Van performances from 1975, please refer to the notes in Vol. Three:
The 11 pm setlist at Webber Hall brings some welcome changes from the early set. The wonderful �St Dominic�s Preview� mixed with �Walk on the Wild Side� and �You Can�t Always Get What You Want� returns, and we also get the first �75 tour recording of �Blue Money.� Released on His Band And The Street Choir, �Blue Money,� is a relative rarity, with only 18 known performances prior to this one according to the authoritative set-list histories found at
But even more exciting is the first known live version of �I Have Finally Come To Realize,� a song recorded at the Record Plant in Sausalito within days or weeks of this show, but not released officially until 1998�s The Philosopher�s Stone. Van introduces it by saying he�d �like to do a recent song� and delivers a wonderful reading. There are only ten known performance of the track, all from 1998 and 2002, so JF�s recording is indeed a major find.
Happily, the high quality of the early Riverside recording carries over to the late show which sounds every bit as good. Samples provided.
Once again the band is: John Blakely on guitar; Mark T. Jordan on keyboards; David Hayes on Bass; and Tony Dey on drums.
Here�s what JF recalls about the Riverside shows:
�This was the fourth show in a mini-Van marathon � two shows the previous night in Irvine, the second of two this night in Riverside and one more on the afternoon of the following day in Santa Barbara. There were no seats here � people just gathered around the stage on the floor of the college basketball stadium and danced or just hung out and listened. I stood back by the sound booth in the center of the hall, warily eyeing Van�s sound people so they wouldn�t catch me recording and secretly wishing I could tap into their line feed from the stage.�
Thanks to JF, who reached out on DIME (you could be next!) and offered us his archive, which had been sitting in boxes, 6000 miles away from where he lives today, for 20+ years. Like so many early tapers, he had great stories to tell and the memories flooded back as we sorted through tapes. We are pleased to be able to bring his work to all of you. Please let him know through your comments that you are, too.
We also appreciate the unnamed Van collectors for helping to get JF�s masters back in his control. And finally, special thanks mjk5510, who continues serve as JEMS� post-production and quality-control supervisor. He is essential to our process and we couldn�t do it without him.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: