Van Morrison
Masonic Auditorium
San Francisco, California
December 17, 1993
Recorded during the short lived soul revue period
This one cooks from start to finish
All hands are on deck and lots of duets from
various guests
This concert is from the night before most of the
commercially released "A Night In San Francisco"
was taped comes from
Masonic Auditorium
San Francisco, California
December 17, 1993
Disc 1
01-Symphony Sid(*GF)
02-Kansas City(*GF)
03-Did Ye Get Healed
04-It's All In The Game
05-I've Been Working
06-Cleaning Windows
07-Vanlose Stairway
08-Crazy Love-with(*BK)
09-Beautiful Vision(*BK & *SM)
10-See Me Through-Soldier Of Fortune
11-Ain't That Loving You Baby-with(*JH)
12-Stormy Monday-with(*JWS)
13-Big Boss Man(*JWS),
14-Help Me-with(*JW)
15-Good Morning Little Schoolgirl-with(*JW)
Disc 2
01-Tupelo Honey
02-Moondance-My Funny Valentine
03-I'll Take Care Of You-It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
04-Lonely Avenue
05-In The Garden
06-Have I Told You Lately
07-Shakin' All Over-Gloria
Lineup: Haji Ahkba, Ronnie Johnson, Nicky Scott, Teena Lyle, Jonn Savannah,
Geoff Dunn, Kate St. John, Brian Kennedy(*BK), James Hunter(*JH)
Guests: Georgie Fame(*GF), Jimmy Witherspoon(*JWS), Junior Wells(*JW)
Candy Dulfer, Shana Morrison(*SM)
Please Vantrades members:
if you get a van show for free (that's what you get if it's offered on DIME)
you have the OBLIGATION to share it and to forward a free copy as a vine, weed or whatever.
Ratings are based on
Audience-setlist-venue-backup band-taping job and
finally Van's mood in increasing order of importance
Audience taping
Many thanks to the taper
Completely reworked from an unknown source
Normalized-deglitched and retracked
Artwork included-thanks to HB
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: