Carre Theatre
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
November 16, 2002
Source: audience
Lineage: ?
I recently downloaded this very nice recording, and have no idea from who or where. My thanks to the taper, and my apologies to the original uploader for renaming your fileset
Note: all tracks re-named so the play in the correct order
and made a new md5 file.
01-My Little Suede Shoes(*instru)
02-Down The Road
03-The Beauty Of The Days Gone By
04-I've Been Working
05-Steal My Heart Away
06-Sweet Thing
07-Sometimes We Cry(CF)
08-Walkin' My Baby Back Home(CF)
09-Rambler's Blues(tribute to Lonnie Donegan)
10-All Work And No Play
11-Fast Train
01-Saint James Infirmary
02-Now's The Time(instru)
03-Froggie Went A Courtin'
04-Early In The Morning
05-Help Me
06-It's All Over Now Baby Blue(CF)
07-Did Ye Get Healed
08-In The Afternoon
09-And The Healing Has Begun
Ned Edwards
David Hayes
Matt Holland
Bobby Irwin
Gavin Povey
Martin Winning
Guests: Candy Dulfer, Chris Farlowe
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: