Van Morrison
I've Paid The Piper
Perth Concert Hall
22nd May 2013
01 Celtic Swing(Van on Sax)
02 Only A Dream(Van on Sax)
03 Who Can I Turn To(Van on Sax)
04 Going Down To Monte CarloVan Keyboard at First then onto Sax)
05 Retreat and View(Van on Sax)
06 Baby Please Don't Go(Van on Harp)
07 Pagan Heart(van on Sax)
08 The Philosopher's Stone (Fast Blues Version)(Van on Guitar)
09 Tupelo Honey/Why Must I Always Explain(Van on Guitar)
10 Moondance(van on Sax)
11 The Way Young Lovers Do(Van on sax)
12 Into The Mystic(Van on Sax)
13 Brown Eyed Girl(Van on Sax)
14 Have I told You Lately(Van on Keyboard)
15 Whenever God Shines His Light(Van on Sax)
19 Gloria(Van on Harp)
Lineage-Front Row,left of centre(at PMs Feet If You Have seen the set up)
core Sound Mics>Edirol R09HR>audacity to split>TLH to Flac level 8 Aligned at SB>you
Ive knocked up a bit of art if you want it or you can do your own
Ok heres Simons waffle for those that are interested,Ive included what Van was playing in each song in case anyone wants to know, its correct to the best of my memory but all there feel free to correct.
So Perth cold grey and miserable, after 8 hours with Holly driving I need some colour He better be good tonight. Once again Nosey had chosen the smallest least accesible pub for the Vanoraks to meet pre gig, there was a a smattering of english ,scots swiss and even Australian(Yes he realised it was Perth Scotland not WA).
8.03PM band hits the stage like refugees from reservoir dogs,kick into Celtic swing, Dream follows,its going Ok nothing incredible,He comes sits at the keyboard for Monte Carlo,moves before the end to centre stage before going into retreat both good versions nice to hear The new album being well treated a quick baby starts to get us moving before slowing down witha great pagan, then Philosophers like the alternate version on BOT remastered, and then tupelo medley (van includes a few little word changes having a pop at someone,usually in game but we aint getting that tonight). so we get moondance and then OOOHHHH lovers and mystic ,nice thanks,we are nearing the end the standard brown eyed, followed by have I on keys and whenever god ,big hand for the band Gloria,Im outta here.
Overall not my fav ending songs but it was a good concert nowhere near as good as cheltenham but still worth the 8 hour drive,Thanks Holly.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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