Van Morrison, 2015-09-27 Amsterdam, Heineken Music Hall (Incomplete)
This is an incomplete recording of the show, recorded by accident on my wife's
I-phone. As long there's no better source, we'll have to deal with this one.
Fortunately we were seating on the first row, right in front of the stage.

Setlist: (First three songs are missing)
4.I believe to my soul
5.days like this�
6.precious time
7.carrying a torch
8.think twice before you go is cheap please don't go-parchman's farm-don't start crying now
12.wild night the afternoon-ancient highway-raincheck
14.magic time
15.whenever God shines his light
16.brown eyed girl
17.sometimes I feel like a motherless child
18.and the healing has begun me
20.gloria (incomplete)

Lineage: Iphone (!)>Nero Wave Editor>TLH>Vuze>You