Vermont Mandolin Trio
Artistree Community Arts Center and Gallery
South Pomfret, Vermont
January 10, 2020 – Friday

Matt Flinner – Mandolin
Will Patton – Mandolin, Tenor Guitar
Jamie Masefield – Mandolin, Tenor Guitar
Pat Melvin – Bass, Octave Mandolin

Matrix: Oktava MC-012 > Naiant Littlebox + SBD > Zoom H6 [24/96]
Mastered in WaveLab 6.01 with iZotope Ozone 5.0

1st Set:

1. Henri The Cat
2. Chinquapin Hunting
3. Styles
4. Scotland > Stony Lonesome
5. J. S. Bach Prelude Book 1 no. 22
6. Raji's Romp
7. Anna's Waltz
8. Angeline The Baker
9. Caravan

2nd Set:

1. tuning
2. Chez Tchavalo
3. Big Blues
4. Black's Fork
5. Bromiliad
6. Jamie's Tune
7. Limehouse Blues
8. Seven Come Eleven

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

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