Vernon Reid,Gil Parris,Ducks Can Groove With Special Guests
Jimi Hendrix 70th Birthday Celebration
New York City
November 25th,2012'
Recorded & transferred by Bob Pitlak
Source: Zoom H-4>wav>sdhc<pc>cd wav>audacity(fade in)>traders little helper>flac
16 bit audience recording
This is the final upload of the show, also some special guests mixed in here & there
that are doing some unique arrangements on some of Jimi's classics and it's all good.
The show starts off with musical director for the show Andre Lassalle sneaking in a
quick tune any chance between bands showboating a little i guess, bringing on stage
Sophia Ramos to due a very warm version of Castles Made Of Sand to start things off
before Vernon Reid and members of the Black Rock Coalition take the stage.
Vernon Reid is well known for his tributes to Jimi Hendrix, so tonight with the help
of Mike "Kidd Funkadelic" Hampton on guitar and Sophia Ramos on vocals they launch
into the ever guitar classic, Voodoo Child (Slight Return) with a different take on
this even maybe a medley to my ears that gets Vernon in the mood to shred like he does
After a quick story, Vernon Reid puts his stamp on the infamous "Are You Experienced"
throwing down something wicked, sounds that seem Vernon Reid can only get out of a guitar.
Jumping in again while Vernon leaves the stage for a moment, Andre Lassalle with the help
of the band tackle the hit "Manic Depression" , getting off some nice wah-wah infused
spangly riffs during his solo.
Vernon comes back onstage, inviting 14 year old bass prodigy Katelin Deutsch to join him
to do a tribute to Jimi as well as the late Hubert Sumlin on "Killing Floor".Nice to hear
Vernon's take on some of these tunes when he has to slow it down just a bit.
Next up is guitar virtuoso Gil Parris, known for his unique style and sound that he brings
on guitar, combining elements of blues/rock/jazz to form his sound he is full of wonderful
little embellishments that you have too see him play live to understand how he gets all
those sounds out of the guitar."Little Wing" seems to be his Hendrix favorite as i've seen
him do it twice now and he does such a unique take on this popular Hendrix classic your
just gonna have to listen and see for yourselves.
A surprise to everyone at this point in the show was when Randy Hansen came back out solo
to do a very special "Happy Birthday" on guitar for Jimi.
The last act of the show was The Ducks Can Groove coming back out to play a couple more of
the lesser known Hendrix tunes with Andre Lassalle on guitar, Eli Brown taking the vocals
one last time to round out the show.
Some fastastic guitarwork at this event from many different guitarists, most complimenting
each other to create some great atmosphere, that's what Jimi was all about.
Sweet audience recording and some killer performances here !
Setlist (73:43) min
1: Castles Made Of Sound (fades in) @ %
2: Band Intro's/Tuning
3: Voodoo Child (Slight Return) Medley # % * & =
4: Vernon Reid Speaks...
5: Are You Experienced # @ * &
6: Manic Depression @ * % &
7: Vernon Speaks Again...
8: Killing Floor # % * +
9: Little Wing - * &
10: Born Under A Bad Sign - @ * &
11: Happy Birthday !
12: Bleeding Heart ^ >
13: Look Over Yonder ^ >
14: In From The Storm ^ >
Support the artists by going to a live show and buying cd's etc.
How to:
Andre Lassalle
Vernon Reid
Gil Parris
Ducks Can Groove
The Musicians/Special Guests
Vernon Reid: Guitar/Vocals #
Andre Lassalle: Guitar @
Sophia Ramos: Vocals %
Darrell McNeil: Bass &
LaFrae Sci: Drums *
Katelin Deutsch: Guest Bass +
Randy Hansen: Guitar !
Mike"Kidd Funkadelic"Hampton: Guitar =
Gil Parris: Guitar -
Ducks Can Groove ^
Stefan Edfelt: Guitar/Vocals
Fredrik Eriksson: Bass
Erik Edlund: Drums
Eliot Brown: Guest Vocals >
A flyer for the show included as well as cd artwork
Not 4 Sale Trade Only !
Crack One Open & Enjoy !
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: