New Morning
Paris, France
July 8, 1999
Stereo audience recording (digital recording, possibly DAT)
CDs received in trade by agalli
Lineage: ? > CDR > EAC > WAV > MATLAB > Audacity > TLH > FLAC (L8)
01. V-Wave
02. On Top of the Rain (AKA After The Cosmic Rain)
03. Anoche
04. The Call
05. Band Introduction (by Lenny White)
06. Topasio Pt. 1 + 2
07. North Africa > School Days excerpt
08. Lenny White Drum Solo
09. Start It Again
10. Toys
11. All Hell Broke Loose > Improv Jam
Running time: 106:36
Richie Kotzen: Guitar, vocals
Stanley Clarke: Bass
Rachel Z: Keyboards
Karen Briggs: Violin
Lenny White: Drums
-I think the overall style of this band is similar to the Return to Forever 2011 band with Jean-Luc Ponty
-barkndog seeded a version of this from his CDs in 2009. I don't have a version of that to compare, but
the audio files that agalli sent me probably have the same content (barkndog may actually have received
the audio files from agalli in a different CD mail trade).
-some tracks had microgaps (presumably due to misaligned sector boundaries during an earlier burn/rip),
so I fixed those mostly automatically with MATLAB and then did one manual cleanup of a microgap in Audacity
-I seamlessly merged the audio across the original CDs by removing the few seconds of repeated audio, and
during that process took the liberty of retracking tracks 4-7
-automatically balanced/lowered levels. Some peaks were clipped, so I applied a clip fix operation. To fix
all the clipping would require lowering the levels more than I wanted to so there is still some occasional
clipping, but overall the audio has good dynamic range.
Ross (ledwhofloyd), Mar. 2025