Vic Chesnutt
Paradiso, Amsterdam, Holland
April 10, 2000
Source: Sennheisser MKE-40/6 (2) > Sony TCD-D7
Location: in front of speaker stack
Taper: Reel Records
Transfer: Pioneer D-05 > DAL Digital Only (digital) PC > WAV > flac
Editing: Reel Records (Soundforge, Magix Samplitude, BBE Sonic Maximizer, sev. Plug-Ins > WAV > FLAC)
Release: JvV-2000-031
Artwork: Reel Records, included
01. Parade
02. Ain't Crazy Enough
03. Stay Inside
04. Blight
05. Sewing Machine
06. A Feather At A Wall
07. Supernatural
08. Tarragon
09. Nathan
10. Miss Mary
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Fissle
13. Degenerate
Sorry I don't do MP3's - My uploads are ex unless noted otherwise.
Don't sell & please don't convert to MP3 - or any other lossy formats.
Please wait 2 weeks after my initial upload before uploading to other sites.
If you upload it elsewhere: leave the info-file intact and I appreciate a note from you.
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