Drew Emmitt and Vince Herman
February 27, 2020
Kenny's Westside Pub
Peoria, IL
Source: Audience, at soundboard, 30 feet from stage, MJE-modified Oktava MK-012 hypercardioids in an A-B pattern with 10cm spread-> Tascam DR-40-> wav @44.1K-> SD card
Lineage: SD card-> iMac using Audacity->FLAC
Recorded by Michael Frasca
Transferred by Michael Frasca
Disc 1 of 2 ()
01. Down in the Hollow
02. Rednecked Hippie
03. Get Me Outta This City
04. Mama Boulet
05. Sing Up to the Moon
06. Just Before the Evening
07. Steamboat Whistle Blues
08. Midnight Blues
09. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
10. Everything Is Round >
11. Country Blues
Disc 2 of 2 (45:46)
12. Georgie Lou
13. Long Hot Summer Days (1)
14. Little Maggie (1)
15. General Jackson (1)
16. Danger Man
17. This Is the Time
18. Euphoria (2)
19. Hot Corn/Cold Corn (1)
20. Let In a Little Light > (1)
21. Turn Your Radio On (1)
Total time is 1:40:51.
1- with Jason Scroggins on guitar and vocals
2- following tradition, sung as 'Peoria.'
- Billed as Vince Herman & Drew Emmitt with special guests Dan Watkins & Wes Duffy
- Dan Watkins and Wes Duffy opened.
- One set with and encore.
- Jason Scroggins played guitar on several tunes.
- Euphoria, following tradition, was sung as 'Peoria."
- I tweet whenever I record & post a new show to archive.org. You can follow me at @M_A_Frasca.
- Support live music and buy the merch!
�Lordy, I hope there are tapes.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: