Freak Valley Festival 2015
AWO Gelaende, Netphen-Deuz, Germany
June - 06 - 2015
Day # 3 / Act 7/11 (18:00 -> 18:50)
Spacebandit/Miro/Blueshacks triple taper experience...
It's a Spacebandit, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (@ WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...and the black smokin' devil man...
Recorded by yours truly at first row from the speaker stacks on the right side. As there was a little communication error between us three taping warriors of the front row, I jumped
in on duties immediately before this show. Unfortunately I couldn't get a real sweet spot, but I think the music is caught very nicely. Well, ok, this sounds very bass/drum heavy and
has some buzzing sound from the bass? amps as well. Almost no distractions and I'm friendly with the screaming girl to my right side, as her boyfriend said during the intro that I wore
the most fabulous shirt on that festival...of course a Grateful Dead tie-dye, the one with the skeleton with the pokercards in the air on back...sometimes I'm a vain deer...only sometimes...
a few pics are included as well...
Fourth time travelling on an annual road down to Siegerland (sorry just the name of the river...Sieg...not about But before I start: Thank you FV Crew! Marvellous job done.
Almost everything went right and nice. Relaxed security/police and mighty grand friendly helpers on the ground!!! So do I make a cheer! THANKS FREAK VALLEY GUYS AND GIRLS!
Thanks to my close companions/friends Micha, Wolli, Martin and Jens. Think we had a great time there...even in the "hottest" moments...
Thursday: 24+day/10+night
Friday: 30+day/16+night *
Saturday: 26+day/12+night **
*african heat! thunderstorm at app. 2am from fri->sat.
** cloudy morning until early afternnon, then heat again
Early Bird was 56 Euros, Later Birds was 66 Euros, including camping for free.
I think I should mention that this 2000+ audience festival was sold out months before!
More details by request...
And now let the music do the talking...
As you read before, this was an emergency taping. Just rushed towards the stage from my cozy shady place besides dear Rackhir into the early evening heat, but luckily the stage was already in the
shade, too. Well, this icelandian very young three piece (the new longplayer was just released last month) were of course one the best received bands from that final day at lovely
Freak Valley Festival 2015. Well, it just depends on what point of view you have...For the mostly 20-30 aged crowd it was something really hot, but for an "old warhorse" of doing concerts
since the mid 80's, their sound was nothing that I haven't heard before. I won't put this one down, as I really liked what my ears and mind got served, but I would "save" this as another
GRAND FUNK RAILROAD, version 201+ only. Like Radio Moscow, for example. But that's just my opinion, you'll maybe prove me wrong and convince me of the greatness of this band from Iceland.
Hope you'll like it. Enjoy! SB.
FULL SHOW (48:28 min.)
01. Intro by Volker -> ... (7:05)
02. Babylon (5:50)
03. Midnght meditation (5:27)
04. Last days of the light (7:10)
05. Shake your believes (5:07)
06. Winterland (6:14)
07. Crazy horses (3:32)
08. Expand your mind (8:00)
lots of new songs from the new album...
the usual facebook ect. sites...
Support this great band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you might perish in a geysir...
�skar Logi - Guitar and vocals
Alexander �rn - Bass and backup vocals
Stef�n Ari Stef�nsson - Drums
Uploaded to Dime by Spacebandit 2015/06/16
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: