Geislingen (Germany)
sbd-out > dat
recorded by hth
additional mastering by hanwaker 2022-02
01 winslow place
02 lazarus heart
03 all for this
04 radiant
05 heartless
06 man from reno
07 ended up a stranger
08 the light will stay on
09 drown
10 see it in the dark
57 min
01 life: the movie
02 the stopping off place
03 grand theft auto
-- encores 1 --
04 fallen down moon
05 straight to the stars
06 prayer for you
- encores 2 -
07 slow red dawn
08 mary edwards
09 cul - de - sac
a hanwaker upload with thanks to hth 2022-03
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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