the walkabouts
wien - vienna (austria) szene
recorded by h2h from the soundboard
a first mix was burned to cd and distributed among the walkabouts yahoo group members around 2002
this here is remastered by hanwaker in 2021 / 22
- lowering applause
- raising overall volume
1:45 hrs
01 winslow place
02 lazarus heart
03 all for this
04 radiant
05 heartless
06 man from reno
07 ended up a stranger
08 the light will stay on
09 drown
10 see it in the dark
11 life: the movie
12 the stopping off place
13 grand theft auto
-- encores 1 --
14 fallen down moon
15 straight to the stars
16 prayer for you
- encores 2 -
17 polly
18 slow red dawn
please note
the backcover of the artwork included
lists 8 more tracks after slow red dawn
these tracks were pulled from different shows on that tour
i took the liberty to not include them as i will in the end have uploaded all the complete shows
where these tracks derive from
hanwaker with thanks to H2H
upload to dime 2022-03
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: