The Walkabouts
Bonn - Gronau, Germany
53113 Bonn
09. Juli 2012
supporting: Patti Smith and her Band
minimax master-series #224
Master - Audience recording
Ticket-costs: 46,00 Euro
Parking-costs: 5,00 Euro
Curry-Wurst-costs: 3,50 Euro
Taping-location: from the third row front of stage a bit on the right side
Sound-quality: excellent -, some nice and gentle people talking half way through their set, especially
during the quiet songs.
Equipment: Zoom H4N with its included microphones. As I forgot my battery module for my extern mikrophones
at home I left the SP-mikrophones in the car. But it sounds quiet nice!!
I had to split up the tracks deaf, dumb and blind, because I don't have any sound anymore on my computer
these days, so I hope I have done my job right. Hope you've got a satisfied mind!!
Including Cover-and-Label-Artwork!
Hope you like it, DIMERS out there!!??!
C'mon, gimme some comments on this one!!
02 Rebecca Wild
03 The light will stay on
I need your help on it!! ( then you'll get the artwork reseeded with the titles!)
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Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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