the walkabouts
Freiburg (germany)
ZMF -zeltmusikfestival- mundenhof
a matrix recording by hanwaker
source 1 sbd: into edirol 04
source 2 aud:dpa 4061 @sbd-booth into edirol 04
all files to HD then mixed in audacity 2012-07
thanks to the walkabouts namely chris and carla for taping permission and guestlist spot
thanks to jan ( tour soundguy)
thanks to joscha ( house sound guy)
last not least thanks to peter HTH
TT 95:49 mins
01 rainmaker
02 nightdrive
03 dustlands
04 rebecca wild
05 light will stay on
06 soul thief
07 -talk- "carla in freiburg"
08 bordertown
09 prayer for you*
10 thin of the air
11 jack candy
12 every river will burn
13 acetylene
14 steppin-off place
15 -encore1 noise + talk + band intro +
16 findlay's motel
17 grand theft auto
18 -encore 2 noise + talk +
19 horizon fade
* dedicated to frank G ( a compadre from carla's days in freiburg )
courtesy by
find in extra folders
a hanwaker recording,transfer,mix and upload to dime 2012-07
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: