THE WANDS (Denmark)
Yellowstock 2013
De Boogart Youth Center, Geel, Belgie
August - 09 - 2013
Day # 2 - Act # 5 (17:50 -> 18:40)
Inside show
from SPACEBANDIT archives
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by Mr. MIROH at first row almost dead center. No real disturbances audible, though the vocals are a bit low in the mix (due to position). The istruments are very fine mixed,
so I think this is a very fine recording! A few pictures included as usual...
After the very nice experience of Yellowstock 2012, my good friends BLUESHACKS and MIROH (who shared taping duties with me back then and on 2013's Freak Valley as well) decided to
visit the 2013 edition as well. Unfortunately - due to working schedule - I could not make the 350 km trip from my home to Geel. So when Wolli (BLUESHACKS) was at my place for the
KRACH AM BACH festival a week earlier, it was not a second of talk needed, that they could borrow my taping gear for this lovely festival. Alone the possibility of a taped MACHINE show...
Anyway, though I just said "Tape whatever you want but enjoy as well." they managed to tape almost all the bands there. So, all the thanks and praises go straight to Kevelaer and
Gescher in Germany, for their taping and other efforts...
As we are almost approaching the time of the headinging acts at second day of lovely YELLOWSTOCK 2013, I can tell you that you are now pleased with something special. A new sound to my
ears and mind as well, but I immediately hooked on to the sound of this 2-man psychedelic band from Copenhagen, Denmark. And on live perfarmances, they are accompanied with each a bass
and drums player as well...But shady memories of SPACEMEN 3 come to mind...far off the track, dear fellow explorers of the outer orbits of space/music...Seems to my ears like a BYRDS trip
in India with the VELVET's in mind. Sounds weird, oh yes, this sounds FANTASTIC! Just mix up those influences written here before, and you know what you get...SPACE OUT! SB.
FULL SHOW (46:58 min.)
01. Get out of your skin (8:42)
02. Hell I know the blow you grow is magic (7:00)
03. ... (3:35)
04. ... (4:18)
05. ... (5:20)
06. The key (8:41)
07. The door (5:45)
08. ... (5:20)
You see, the setlist needs some help. Please fill in...
The usual facebook ect. sites...
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy all their merch.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use. Flac rules!
If you sell...go fucking straight to hell...
THE WANDS are...
Christian Skibdal - guitar, vocals
Mads Bredtoft-Graes - guitar
Jakob Langkjaer - drums
Kristoffer Balle Hvidberg - bass
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/09/09.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: