Warren Haynes
Ridgefield Playhouse
Ridgefield, CT
Source: AKGc61 (DINa) >nBob >PFA >Sonosax M2D2 (24/48) >iPhone7 >Apogee MetaRecorder
Transfer: Audacity >CD WAV Editor >TLH >FLAC
Set 1
01] Patchwork Quilt
02] Hattiesburg Hustle
03] Traveling Tune
04] Glory Road
05] Captured
06] Company Man
07] So Weak, So Strong
08] Raven Black Night
09] The Real Thing
10] Sky Is Crying
11] Railroad Boy
Set 2
01] Spots Of Time
02] Your Wildest Dreams
03] Dreams And Songs
04] Tastes Like Wine
05] Listen To The Lions
06] Frozen Fear
07] In My Life
08] I’ll Be The One
09] Old Friend
10] China Doll
11] E:That’s Why I’m Here >
12] Wish You Were Here
Notes: First row balcony, 12ft right of center