Warren Haynes Band
The Gorge Amphitheatre
George, WA
September 3, 2011
(Part of the Dave Matthews Band Caravan)
** 24 BIT **
Source #1: CA-11 cardioids > CA-UGLY > Zoom H4n (1/4" input) @ 24 bit/48 kHz
Source #2: CA-11 omnis > CA-9100 > Zoom H4n (1/8" input) @ 24 bit/48 kHz
Mastering: .WAV's > Wavelab Studio 6 (matrix) > Sound Forge Pro 10.0a (fades, minor edits, & normalize) > CDWav (tracking) >
Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 5.1 (tagging)
Location: DFC, FOB, on stand @ 10'6", 33 metres from stage
Recorded by: Seth Meister
Mastered by: Dennis Orr:
Setlist: (1:03:59)
01 Intro/Tuning
02 Man In Motion
03 River's Gonna Rise
04 Sick Of My Shadow
05 On A Real Lonely Night
06 Spanish Castle Magic
07 Tear Me Down
08 Soulshine (with Band Intros)
Warren Haynes - guitar & vocals
Alecia Chakour - vocals & tambourine
Nigel Hall - keyboards & vocals
Ron Holloway - tenor saxophone
Ron Johnson - bass
Terrence Higgins - drums
Rashawn Ross - trumpet
For some reason the recorder stopped near the start of Soulshine. The remainder of the song and outro
(9:12) is patched from John Koch's source, as follows:
Schoeps MK4 > active cables > Nbox+ > Edirol R-09HR (24/48), Back right side of GA pit, Mics DIN ~ 10'
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (19).jpg
WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (2).jpg
WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (20).jpg
WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (21).jpg
WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (22).jpg
WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (23).jpg
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WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (7).jpg
WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (8).jpg
WarrenHaynesBand2011-09-03TheGorgeAmphitheatreGeorgeWA (9).jpg