Waylon Jennings
Alabama Theater
Myrtle Beach , South Carolina
6 /14 /95
Soundboard recording
lineage: cdr>eac>flac frontend (lvl 6)


1. Rainy Day Woman
2. Mama Don't Let Youe Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
3. Goodhearted Woman
4. Wrong
5. Amanda
6. This Time
7. Living Legends pt 2
8. If I Can Find A Clean Shirt
9. Til I Gain Control Again
10. A Couple More Years
11. Dukes Of Hazzard Theme
12. Luckenbach , Texas
13. Bamd Intros
14. Flyin'
15. Dialogue
16. Suspicious Minds w/ Jessi Colter
17. Clyde

All info is from notes received with disc in a trade.............