We Banjo 3 2018-04-29
Watson Stage Merlefest
North Wilkesboro NC
1 talk
2 Annabelle's Canon
3 talk
4 The Long Black Veil
5 talk
6 Pressed For Time
7 talk
8 Trying To Love
9 talk
10 ? > Matty Groves
11 talk
12 The Fox
13 outro
SP-CMC-8 (cardioid) > Tascam DR-100mkIII @ 24/44.1 > Sound Studio (tracking and 16 bit save) > xACT (fix SBE and flac conversion)
Compressed 15X above -4 dB with 4 dB post gain. Left channel compressed 15X above -1 dB with 1 dB post gain.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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