Weather Report
Josef Zawinul: keyboards
Wayne Shorter: tenor and soprano saxophones
Jaco Pastorius: bass
Robert Thomas. Jr.: percussion
Peter Erskine: drums
Orpheum Theater
Boston, Mass.
January 25, 1980
runtime: 109:23 (minutes/seconds)
1: 8:30 > sightseeing 11:02
2: Madagascar 9:55
3: three views of a secret 6:53
4: port of entry 9:39
5: dream clock > 4:40
6: fast city 8:47 (spliced at 4:32, tape flip)
7: bass solo 9:12
8: Brown Street 10:48
9: forlorn > rockin' in rhythm 6:08
10: birdland and encore applause 8:43 (encore applause spliced, tape change)
11: Rumba Mama (conga solo) 4:02
12: drum solo 3:33
13: Zawinul/Shorter duet > the orphan 16:00
Realistic twinhead stereo mike >
Sony TC-158SD cassette recorder (dolby B on) >
TDK-SA 90 min. master cassettes (high bias) >
played on tascam 112 into soundforge (wav) >
flac (sb's aligned) > torrentially yours.
a this and that production.
do not sell this recording.
share freely, losslessly and gaplessly.