Weird Al Yankovic
Balboa Theatre
San Diego, CA, USA

-- Source --
DPA 4081 > MMA-A > 24bit/48kHz

-- Processing --
iZotope RX (editing/mastering) > CD Wave (tracking) > Trader's Little Helper (encoding)

-- Setlist --
01 - intro
02 - Lame Claim to Fame
03 - I'll Sue Ya
04 - Why Does This Always Happen to Me?
05 - Your Horoscope for Today
06 - Drum Solo
07 - When I Was Your Age
08 - I Remember Larry [false start]
09 - Drum Solo
10 - I Remember Larry
11 - Buy Me a Condo
12 - The Night Santa Went Crazy
13 - One More Minute
14 - Bass Solo
15 - First World Problems
16 - Craigslist
17 - Let Me Be Your Hog
18 - Melanie
19 - My Baby's in Love with Eddie Vedder
20 - Generic Blues
21 - Drum Solo (reprise)
22 - Mr. Popeil
23 - Skipper Dan
24 - The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota
25 - encore
26 - Rebel Yell
27 - Amish Paradise/Smells Like Nirvana/White & Nerdy/Word Crimes/Yoda

-- Notes --
First of two nights at Balboa Theatre on the Unfortunate Return of the Ridiculously Self-Indlugent Ill-Advised Vanity Tour. Emo Philips opened.

Length: 1h52m15s

-- faninor -- 2022-10-02 --