Wes Jeans 2007-10-13(SAT)
Gulf Shores, AL. "Shrimpfest 2007"
"Blues & Beer on the Redneck Riviera"
Source: MM-HLSC-2 "Sennheiser Driven" Cardioids
>SP-SPSB-6(power, line in)>Edirol R-09@24/48wav
Transfer: USB>Computer>16-bit resample/dithered CEP>
CDwav(tracking)>flac L8 >Traders Little Helper
sbeok check. No tweaks, this is RAW.
Location:Left of SBD @7' Complete show,seamless.
Recorded, Tracked and Flac'ed by KooterB.
D1 of 2:
1. Forest Of The Pine 5:30
2. Jam?>intros>Jam? 3:31
3. Are You Experienced 6:51
4. Five Long Years 12:46
5. Dallas 8:49
6. Comin Home 4:18
D2 of 2:
1. Let Me Know 8:18
2. Boomerang Song 9:48
3. Champagne & Reefer 13:08
4. Hendrix Jam: Hear My Train A Comin'>
If Six Were Nine>Machine Gun>
Star-Spangled Banner 17:10
Notes: http://www.wesjeans.com/
Very low crowd noise.
Some vol. adjustments first track.
Outside venue, some wind rumble D1T3, very lite,
I have seen Wes a few times and this is
the best yet.
Enjoy, peace,
>>>Never For Sale<<<
>>>No Lossy Formats<<<
>>>Attend Live Show<<<
>>>Buy His Cd's<<<
!!!!Kooterbs' Rising Star Pick!!!!
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