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\f0\fs24 \cf0 West Park ( Sydney)\
2005-10-22 Rymill park east end jazz festival adelaide \
no setlist \
trumpet and tabla duo, bloody great sound\
\cf0 Nice sound, a one off festival in this venue ,sparsely attended , it used to be held in Glenelg and was packed , mostly with drunken rubberneckers ,fortunately none off them attended this festival as i was recording , it was waste of team trying at Gleneleg, too much crowd noise.But the downside was, the festival lost money as a result, I think this was the final jazz festival . yet another one we lost along with the folk festival at Victor Harbour\
master D6 cas >Sony ECM 150 mic > mac pro> cd> mac pro>adobe audition 2021 > xact>sbe flac 8\
recorded> edited and transferred GodzgolfBall}