Greetings - Around a year or so ago I was on STG chatting w/ others on the board about The Who's Portsmouth '02 shows & how I was very pleased with an MP3 version of the first show (Jan.27) from Biff's old FTP site.It was undoubtedly the best audience recording I had ever heard.I further mentioned that i had done some tweaking w/ Nero Wave Editor & again,was very pleased w/ the results.I remember mentioning that an MP3 source this good was worth sharing-but,to everyone's misfortune,I was shouted down-"NO LOSSY MP3's,YOU FIEND".But then - some dude from Sweden (to whom i am VERY grateful) offered me the original DAT's from the taper himself 0f BOTH shows,although the 27th is the better of the two,to give a similar re-master treatment to.I said,"um..........YEAH!".Well,a year later ,after many starts & stops ,I finally got reults I am happy with.So here,for your pleasure is the Portsmouth January 2002 show (w/of course,The Ox).Original cover art is included w/the torrent.A lot of effort went into this & I hope everyone is happy with it.As I said eearlier IMHO this is the best audience Who boot I have ever heard.If all goes well,I'll be posting the Jan.28 show as well. Gary. MASTER DAT>FLAC>NeroWaveEditor>FLAC
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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