The Who
The Center at
Pittsburgh, PA
Nov 11, 2012


SOURCE: mbho603a/ka200 > Naiant adapter cable > Tinybox > Edirol r05 (24/48)
PROCESSING: soundforge 9.0 (tracking, fades, resample, dither) > traders little helper > flac level 8
Taped, Processed, Upped by Kubacheck

t01 I Am The Sea
t02 The Real Me
t03 Quadrophenia
t04 Cut My Hair
t05 The Punk And The Godfather
t06 I'm One
t07 The Dirty Jobs
t08 Helpless Dancer
t09 Is It In My Head
t10 I've Had Enough
t11 515
t12 Sea And Sand
t13 Drowned
t14 Bell Boy
t15 Doctor Jimmy
t16 The Rock
t17 Love, Reign O'er Me
t18 Band Introductions
t19 Who Are You
t20 Behind Blue Eyes
t21 Pinball Wizard
t22 Baba O'Riley
t23 Won't Get Fooled Again
t24 Tea And Theatre
t25 Rog and Pete talk TeenCancer America Org

Notes: great show by The Who... I was about 15 rows back, DFC, and I'm pretty happy with the
results..... there were a couple of mistakes by the band here and there, and it took the soundguy
a couple songs to really get dialed in on the mix and a few songs to crank up the volume, but still
a nice clear recording overall, IMO.... not too much crowd noise on the recording, either, which
always makes me happy when that happens.... anyway, Simon took lead vocals on "The Dirty Jobs"... and
they "flew in" a John Entwistle bass solo during "5:15" complete with John's "bass cam" on the big screen
and also used Keith Moon's vocals for "Bell Boy" while showing footage of him singing during what looks to me
to be from the Charlton show from 1974..... in both instances, it worked great....

as always:
do not sell
do trade freely