The Who
"The Who Hits Back!"
Hollywood Bowl
Los Angeles, CA
SP-CMC-8 (w/Mods) > Roland R-07 > Sandisk Mini-SD Card (32gb - Class 10)
.WAV (24 Bit) > Adobe Audition 2022 CC (normalize/amplify/tracking/dithering/downsampling) > .WAV (16 Bit) > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC (Level 6)
01. Intro
02. Overture
03. 1921
04. Amazing Journey
05. Sparks
06. Pinball Wizard
07. We're Not Gonna Take It
08. (talking)
09. Who Are You
10. (talking)
11. Eminence Front
12. (talking)
13. Ball and Chain
14. (talking)
15. You Better, You Bet
16. (talking)
17. The Seeker
18. (talking)
19. Naked Eye
20. (talking)
21. Another Tricky Day
22. Won't Get Fooled Again
23. (talking)
24. Behind Blue Eyes
25. (talking)
26. The Real Me
27. I'm One
28. 5:15
29. The Rock
30. Love Reign O'er Me
31. (talking)
32. Baba O' Riley
33. Outry
Just when I think I'm out/done, I get pulled back in! This was my 5th show at the Hollywood Bowl within the last month, and I think (I might have lost count) overall my 8th or 9th Bowl show this year? That's the most ever for me for sure. I had no plans to go to this show, but a day before the event, my friend hit me up and offered me a free ticket up in the "cheap seats", and given the show was happening on my birthday, and I had no plans for that evening, I figured why not? How could I pass up seeing the Who?
Just a few hours before the show, I had completed a 10+ mile hike, so I was sort of exhausted, but sometimes you just gotta suck it up and go, so I grabbed my gear, got a ride and decided a Who concert at the Bowl was a good way to end my birthday. And when I say "cheap seats", it was all the way up in section V2, but honestly, they weren't bad seats. I was in the first row, so I had the railing right in front of me, and better yet, no people in front of me (of course that doesn't mean I didn't have people NEXT to me, but more on that shortly). It was definitely a night/day difference from just a couple nights prior when I was in the "pool" for Danny Elfman. I really have seen the Bowl from all sides now, up close and personal, and about as far as you can get up in the "nose bleeds".
While my section was mostly empty, there was an annoying group of 3 sitting off to my right, which included two very annoying teenage girls who loved to talk during some of the quieter songs, which was pissing me off. Why can't people just shut up during a song at a concert that people paid for? I know I sound like a broken record, but seriously, if you're reading this, show some fucking courtesy!
I had seen the Who once before, back at Desert Trip, and while I do prefer that show/setlist over this one, I thought this show kicked ass. Even nearing 80, both Roger and Pete still "have it" and look great up on stage. Pete was still doing the windmills, and Roger, while not having the voice he once did, was still belting out a few screams here and there, so the show brought everything you'd expect from the Who. Of course the big difference here, from the last time I saw them, is that they had an orchestra playing with them throughout most of the set, and I thought they added some strong backing to many of the songs, including "Baba O' Riley", which included a really cool violin outro. "The Rock", and its accompanying video package, was really amazing too I thought. Overall, I'm glad I decided to go in the end, and it's nice to hear The Who still rocking in fucking 2022.
Big thanks to my friend Alex for the birthday ticket, and lucky for him, his sister got him back stage, which he described as very "Spinal-Tap-esque" with being lead down various hallways and dead ends, before he finally got to meet and get a picture with Roger (Pete wanted no part apparently, ha). Lucky fucker!
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