Widespread Panic
November 24th, 1998
Palace Theatre , Louisville KY
Sony MS907 Mic > SonyD7 > DAT Master 48kHz
Transfer: Donnie Loeffler , Jan. 2024 NO POST PROCESSING !!!!
DAT > s/pdif > Audacity > 44.1 kHz > FLAC
1. weak brain, narrow mind
2. you got yours
3. wondering
4. rock
5. junior
6. the waker
7. contemptment blues
8. aunt avis
9. tall boy
10. holden oversoul
11. christmas katie
12. big woolly mammoth
13. conrad
14. gimme
15. walkin’
16. red hot mama
17. drums
18. tie your shoes
19. ain’t live grand
20. (encore break)
21. Blue Indian
22. henry parsons died
My 4th time seeing Widespread Panic … I’m pretty sure it was the original members including the original guitarist. I did some research on this show and according to e-tree, nugs.net, google , etc. there is NO recording listed ? I could have the only recording besides a board copy from inside the band archives???? I doubt it ! WSP had many tapers , what is crazy, is I don’t recall an ything about this show , balcony or floor… It’s a decent audience tape, no glitches , not too bad on crowd noise, but sometimes the Palace can sound thin and shrill sometime
s especially back 20 years ago , much better sound systems for today’s concerts … anyway, as usual for my stuff this source is UNCIRCULATED …until now !
Another Unreleased Recording From A Facebook Tapers Page Group.Enjoy!!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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