Widespread Panic
Greek Theatre
Berkeley, CA

Source: B&K 4011(ORTF)>Lunatec V2>Sonic AD2K>DAP1>D8(16/48)
Info: FOB, DFC
Transfer: DAP1(DAT)>Monster Digi-cable>Edirol R-44(24/48)
Info: SDHC>PC>Wave Lab 6.0(edit, levels, fades)>CD Wave 1.98(tracks)>Wave Lab 6.1(conversion to 16/44 - UVHR22/Crystal Resampler)>TLH (level 8)
Tapers: Dave Friedman, Will Craig
Transfered and seeded by: Rob O'Brien

Set 1:
01. Pleas
02. Weight Of The World
03. North>
04. Chilly Water
05. Blue Indian
06. Greta>
07. Rock
08. Cream Puff War
09. Pickin' Up The Pieces*

Set 2:
10. Casa Del Grillo**
11. Me And The Devil Blues**
12. Maggot Brain**
13. Red Hot Mama**>
14. Drums***>
15. Surprise Valley>
16. Vacation
17. Big Wooly Mammoth
18. Henry Parsons Died

19. Old Joe
20. Last Dance

- *w/Cecil Daniels on midi-saxaphone
- **w/Carlos Santana on guitar
- ***w/Carlos Santana on drums
- Flacs tagged using Mp3tagger
- Thanks to Will Craig for supplying the DATs