November 21, 1994
7th Street Entry
Minnepolis, Minnesota

unknown AUD [analog ?] Master > ? > FLAC > Sound Forge Pro 12 > CD Wave 1.98 > TLH > FLAC

01 Box Full Of Letters
02 I Must Be High
03 Shouldn't Be Ashamed
04 Walk Where He Walked
05 New Madrid
06 That's Not The Issue
07 Pick Up The Change
08 Wait Up
09 The Long Cut
10 Too Far Apart
11 If That's Alright
12 Should've Been In Love
13 Passenger Side %
14 No Sense In Lovin'
15 Give Back The Key To My Heart
16 Casino Queen
17 Pecan Pie
18 We've Been Had
19 Outtasite (Outta Mind)
20 Let's Hear It For Rock and Roll
21 Gun
22 Listen To Her Heart
23 Black Eye
24 Ain't Much To Say
25 Wherever


I've found out that there are many Wilco shows up to ~2005 that have probably never been torrented (at least not since ~2005)
but have only been traded, presumably in the last years of traditional trading. Somehow, these shows were forgotten in the first
waves of torrenting - or deemed not worthy of digital distribution ... or simply those traders in possesion never made the step to
torrenting and then stopped trading altogether, like most everybody did.
I've searched high and low, checked countless old lists and sent a lot of asking mails to ancient email addresses. About half of them
bounced, another quarter didn't reply - and the ones that did hadn't traded (or stopped collecting) in a long time. But then I
found some nice persons who were willing to share shows with me.
Arrangements were made and in 2018/19 I was able to share almost 30 Wilco and Jeff Tweedy shows with you.
As a result, three more Wilco collectors got in touch and provided me with some more shows that I'll be able to share with you.
I have not yet listened to all, most need some work. I guess many of the original CDs are flawed by now,
but most can be rescued or restored with just some problems remaining, it'll take some time, please be patient.

If anybody thinks that he has un(der)circulated shows, please get in touch, I can provide you with information about these shows !

notes to the 2020 edition:
Well, for the start of the second round, here's a real find, Wilco's second ever show, actually the first one they played under their name
as they were billed as 'Black Shampoo' for their first one on November 17. There are as many old Uncle Tupelo songs here as Wilco's own
new material, plus some Golden Smog and more. I assume this is from a cassette master as I had to adjust the pitch.
Only minor repairs had to be done, I also added some light EQ. Many thanks to Henrik.

Respect the Artists
Never sell - for trade only
Please do not encode to lossy formats