Wilco 1997-02-15 Irving Plaza, New York, NY (MTX)
AUD: Audience Master Recording by nyctaper
Recorded from 30 feet, dead center, front of board, with mic pole.
Schoeps microphones (unknown model) > DAT deck (unknown model) >
patched to Sony D-7 DAT
DAT Master > Panasonic SV-3800 > digital coaxial > Audigy 2 ZS Platinum >
Soundforge > 16 bit 44.1 wav > CD Wave (tracking) > Flac Frontend (level 7,
align sector boundaries) > flac
SBD Lineage: CD-R (unknown generation)->EAC (V0.95)->WAV->FLAC Frontend, level 8 (1.7.1)->FLAC.
disc 2 files re-named, files reflac�d and tagged
MTX: FLAC(s) -> Audacity -> Single File -> Audacity -> tracking -> export multiple -> FLAC (level 8)
01 intro music
02 Misunderstood
03 Far Far Away
04 Forget The Flowers
05 That's Not The Issue
06 Someday Soon
07 New Madrid
08 Red Eyed and Blue ->
09 I Got You (at the End of the Century) ->
10 Someone Else's Song
11 Why Would You Wanna Live
12 I Must Be High ->
13 Passenger Side
14 Hotel Arizona
15 Monday
16 Kingpin -> (some lyric fun - Jeff plugs �Cinemax & HBO� & �Livin� in Hoboken�)
17 Outtasite (Outta Mind)
18 encore break 1
19 Box Full Of Letters
20 Casino Queen (Yankee Doodle jam)
21 encore break 2 (Rules of Engagement - Food Fight!)
22 We've Been Had
23 The Long Cut
24 Dreamer In My Dreams
25 encore break 3
26 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (The Shirelles)
- This was my first Wilco show. It was a raucous night I believe culminating the �Being There� tour that ended with in a food fight. Tweedy took the brunt of it after he dangled the deli platter of assorted cold cuts in front of the crowd. Sophomore move on Tweedy�s part.
- This is the correct setlist. WilcoBase has the order of "Box Full of Letters" & "Casino Queen" reversed.
- SBD provided by https://themidnightcafe.org was dry - used EQ in Audacity to bring up the low end of the dynamic range in SBD to make it more accessible
-SBD low end frequencies improved to (20Hz - 100Hz) +6 to +1dB.
- a few areas (SBD) where silence existed were cleaned-up & or removed
- those still burning CD�s:
- tracks 01 -17 CD1. tracks 18-26 CD2
Thanks go out to:
-Dan Lynch at http://www.nyctaper.com for recording the show.
-Mat Brewster at https://themidnightcafe.org for proving the soundboard.
- I could not have made this matrix without either of these gentlemen�s tireless efforts in maintaining their sites.
-last but certainly not least Wilco for providing their music over the past 20+ years
-please support this wonderful band & buy their music http://wilcoworld.net
Matrix was creating using Audacity 2.0.6 on December 18, 2016
J. Noel
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: