The Lyric
Oxford, MS
April 23, 2009

Source:Schoeps mk5(card)>kc5>cmc6xt>Cardas Golden Reference XLR>Nagra V@16/44
location: mics split ~30' clamped to balcony rail, ~20' from each stack.
Conversion: Nagra HD >Firewire>CDWAV>Flac Frontend lvl6
Recorded by John Callery (jcallery@9thwave.com)

One Set:
Disk 1:
01. Sunken Treasure
02. You Are My Face
04. Pot Kettle Black
05. Handshake Drugs
06. A Shot in the Arm
07. At Least That's What You Said
08. Jesus, etc.
09. Impossible Germany
10. It's Just That Simple
11. Forget The Flowers

disk 2:
01. Misunderstood
02. The Lonely 1
03. Shouldn't Be Ashamed
04. Box Full of Letters
05. Heavy Metal Drummer
06. The Late Greats
07. Hate It Here
08. Walken
09. I'm The Man Who Loves You
10. California Stars (w/A Hawk and a Hacksaw)
11. Hoodoo Voodoo

..thanks to viachicago forums for the setlist and everyone along the balcony rail that put up with my efforts,
and the entire crowd for being so quiet!