Hideout Block Party, Chicago, IL, USA

lineage: Edirol R09 (internal mikes) 16/44
-> CD Wave Editor (for track breaks)
-> FLAC level 6 -> DIME

0 intro
1 Misunderstood
2 Company in my Back
3 I Might
4 Sunken Treasure
5 Either Way
6 Hummingbird
7 Impossible Germany
8 Born Alone
9 Radio Cure
10 Handshake Drugs
11 Wishful Thinking
12 Whole Love
13 Kamera
14 I Must Be High
15 NothingsEverGonnaStandInMyWay(Again)
16 Heavy Metal Drummer
17 Poor Places
18 Art of Almost
19 Standing O
20 encore break
21 Dawned on Me
22 Shot in the Arm
23 Passenger Side
24 "that's what she said" joke
25 Christ for President
26 Walken
27 I'm the Man Who Loves You
28 Monday
29 Outta Mind (Outta Sight)