San Francisco, CA
May 15, 1995
:: 48kHz/16 bit FILE SET ::
Nakamichi 700's > Sony D7 >
DAT Master (48kHz/16 bit)
DAT Master > Sony PCM-R300 > Digi 002 Rack >
MacBook Pro > ProTools 8.0.5 > WAV
WAV > MacBook Pro > ProTools 8.0.5
(EQ, compression, limiter) >
WAV (48kHz/24 bit) > FLAC
1. We've Been Had
2. I Must Be High
3. Box Full Of Letters
4. Too Far Apart
5. Shouldn't Be Ashamed
6. Walk Where He Walked
7. No Sense In Lovin?
8. It's Just That Simple
9. Should've Been In Love
10. New Madrid
11. Pick Up The Change
12. Wait Up
13. That's Not The Issue
14. Passenger Side
15. Casino Queen
16. The Long Cut
17. Watch Me Fall
18. Screen Door
19. Black Eye
20. Gun
21. Give Back The Key To My Heart
22. Who Were You Thinking Of?
23. Wherever
24. Reincarnation
25. Pecan Pie
26. Henry And The H-Bombs
27. Outtasite (Outta Mind)
28. Listen To Her Heart
:: encore ::
29. Acuff-Rose
Jeff Tweedy: guitar, vocals
John Stirratt: bass, vocals
Jay Bennett: guitar, vocals
Ken Coomer: drums
Max Johnston: fiddle, mandolin, dobro, banjo
Occasional mic bumps in the left channel.
Most have been cleaned up but a few minor
artifacts may remain.
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merchandise. Share freely and never for profit.
Post and seed on other trackers and blogs. Please
maintain this file set at the original sample rate
of the master recording. Convert or down sample
for your personal use only.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: