The Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, NY
February 3, 2016

Original taper - John Bosco
Editing and packaging - John Bosco

Front OTS, right side of board.
Neumann KM184 (DIN, 12 ft high) ->
Tascam DR-70D 24bit/48kHz WAV ->
Audition (editing) ->
Fission (splicing) ->

1) EKG (Intro)
2) More…
3) Random Name Generator
4) The Joke Explained
5) You Satellite
6) Taste the Ceiling
7) Pickled Ginger
8) Where Do I Begin
9) Cold Slope
10) King Of You
11) Magnetized
12) Handshake Drugs
13) Camera
14) I Am Trying To Break Your Heart
15) Art Of Almost
16) Via Chicago
17) Hummingbird
18) Heavy Metal Drummer
19) I’m the Man Who Loves You
20) Jesus, etc.
21) Born Alone
22) Passenger Side
23) Impossible Germany
24) The Late Greats
25) I’m A Wheel
26) The Thanks I Get
27) Misunderstood
28) War On War
29) I’m Always In Love
30) California Stars