Wilco � live at Circo Voador 2016
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil�
Schmilco World Tour
Recorded from the audience (first row, center). Hi-MD> SonicStage (omd files)> Format Factory (convertion to Flac files).
A lot of audience noise, but IMO in this particular instance it adds to the listening experience,
since according to the band itself (http://wilcoworld.net/thank-you-south-america/), this was "their most enthusiastic crowd ever", singing even the guitar riffs
(check "Impossible Germany" and "Spiders", they will never be the same after you hear them with the audience choruses!)

Thanks to "Queremos!" ("We Demand!") platform and the 1920 empolgados who brought Wilco to Rio! Check it at www.queremos.com.br / www.wedemand.com

*** Setlist ***
1. Random Name Generator
2. I Am Trying to Break Your Heart
3. Art of Almost
4. Misunderstood
5. If I Ever Was a Child
6. Cry All Day
7. Someone to Lose
8. Via Chicago
9. Bull Black Nova
10. Impossible Germany
11. Hummingbird
12. Handshake Drugs
13. Pot Kettle Black
14. Theologians
15. Ashes of American Flags
16. Locator
17. Pickled Ginger
18. Forget the Flowers
19. Box Full of Letters
20. Heavy Metal Drummer
21. I'm the Man Who Loves You
22. We Aren't the World
23. The Late Greats
24. Jesus, Etc.
25. California Stars (with Cesar from the audience)
26. Red-Eyed and Blue
27. I Got You (At the End of the Century)
28. Outtasite (Outta Mind)
Encore 2
29. Spiders (Kidsmoke)