August 22, 2023
Le Bikini
Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France
Lineage: Core Sound Binaurals [w/ 120 Hz bass roll-off filter] clipped to Shirt > Edirol R-09 - 24bit/48kHz
Transfer: Panasonic SD Card > HD > SSRC > Soundforge Pro 17 > CDWave 1.98 > TLH 2.8.4 > FLAC
Position: Stage left [Nels' side], later moving to almost DFC, 15 meters from stage
01 I Am My Mother [03:17.55]
02 Cruel Country [03:42.18]
03 Handshake Drugs [06:11.21]
04 Story To Tell [04:00.20]
05 I Am Trying To Break Your Heart [05:28.46]
06 Muzzle Of Bees [06:48.25]
07 If I Ever Was A Child [03:15.63]
08 Bird Without A Tail / Base Of My Skull [08:26.07]
09 Random Name Generator [04:04.58]
10 Hummingbird [04:01.52]
11 Evicted [03:39.39]
12 Impossible Germany [10:46.31]
13 Sunken Treasure [06:51.38]
14 Jesus, Etc. [04:50.64]
15 The Late Greats [02:52.26]
16 Dawned On Me [04:13.74]
17 Heavy Metal Drummer [03:12.58]
18 A Shot In The Arm [08:11.52]
19 Falling Apart (Right Now) [03:30.25]
20 California Stars [04:59.26]
21 A Lifetime To Find [04:12.66]
22 Spiders (Kidsmoke) [11:51.36]
Total Time: 118:30.00
This was the first show of my 3 countries/5 shows/7 days trip with Wilco through continental Europe.
40° Celsius outside during the day, no air conditioning inside, memorably hot show.
And while it may not have been the expected turnout for the promoter, I have to say I enjoy shows with such a small audience.
I tried my best to avoid the more 'hydrated' parts of the audience, with mixed success as you´ll hear.
Long-time FOH sound engineer Stan Doty has sadly 'semi-retired' after the Iceland shows and there is also a new road crew.
Everybody is doing their best but, at least to these ears, there have been a number of small 'irritations' during the week,
like a guitar lost in the mix or at least one show where John's background vocals were hardly audible.
But eventually they'll get to it, I am sure - and no matter what, the sound is still very very good !
Another thing that has to be mentioned is Jeff's on-going hip troubles which will result in hip surgery early next year.
But while I've heard that he kept complaining throughout the week in Spain, he soldiered on, stretched every now and then
and only on the second show in Utrecht, I noticed that his walking was impaired when he left the stage before and after the encore.
Everything else there is to say about the show has been posted by bböp on his (as always !) great
re-cap on the trusty viachicago.org forum, go ahead and read it, even if you'd have to register.
In terms of the setlist, the most interesting part of course was the first ever full-band performance of
Evicted, the lead-off track of their forthcoming (09/29/2023) album 'Cousin'.
I think/hope Bird Without A Tail will become a setlist regular in years to come, and I especially enjoyed
Random Name Generator and Sunken Treasure as well.
Hello and thanks to Pascale, Gilles and bböp.
Respect the Artists
Never sell - for trade only
Please do not encode to lossy formats
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Wilco2023-08-22RamonvilleSaintAgneFrance (9).JPG