Willard Grant Conspiracy Pilgrim Orchestra
The Queen's Hall
Edinburgh UK
15th May 2008
Robert Fisher
Vocals, acoustic guitar.
Josh Hillman : viola, violin
Chris Eckman : guitar
Tom King : drums
Yuko Murata : keyboards, grand piano
John Songdahl trombone
Peter Harvey : cello
Dennis Cronin : trumpet, accordion, vocals
Erik VanLoo : double bass
Iona Macdonald (? vocals ?)
Malcolm Lindsay : grand piano, guitar
75 min 41 sec (including intro)
[01 Intro chat (off mic, not included)]
02 Jerusalem Bells
03 Lost Hours
04 Pheoebe
05 Miracle on 8th St
06 Malpensa
07 The Pugilist
08 Painter Blue
09 Water & Roses
10 The Great Deceiver
11 Band Intros/tuning
12 Fair Thee Well
13 Ghost of the Girl in the Well
14 Applause/chat
15 From a Distant Shore
16 Soft Hand
"Vespers" was also on the setlist but I don't think it was played.
A mostly quiet acoustic set, in a converted church with echoey acoustics, and a fairly polite (but enthusiastic) audience.
Robert Fisher started by introducing the set off-mic; this is barely audible, partly because of the low volume, and also
because of noise from latecomers. I haven't included it with the torrent as the quality isn't good enough.
It will be attached as an MP3.
Please note that the set itself is much higher sound quality.
The set was mostly songs from the new album, "Pilgrim Road" and the band was re-named The Willard Grant Conspiracy
Pilgrim Orchestra for the tour.
The album is very lovely, and is highly recommended.
The band intros were difficult to make out, and I'm not sure of the name of the female vocalist.
The two sites give several suggestions - it could also have been Esther Sprikkelman or Mary Lorson; help welcome.
Some pics included.
Sound notes:
The audience was so quiet that I can hear my (almost silent) camera motor on the recording, as I switched it off.
Some coughing and noise from latecomers can be heard; also some noise from a mic rubbing on my jacket on the rt channel of track 2.
Recorded centrally from behind the sound-desk.
"Pilgrim Road" is available in Europe on Glitterhouse Records
and via http://www.glitterhouse.com
Check out:
for tour info, music and pics
for tourdates, music and discography.
Recorded, converted and seeded by Evangeline.
Distribute freely in lossless formats and only transfer to MP3s for your own use.
No selling in any form; any Ebay violations will be reported to Dime moderators.
Aud->SP CMC-8s->SP-SPSB-6S(r/o:0Hz)->Edirol R09(16 bit, 44.1KHz; gain +27)
USB->pc-> Nero Wave Editor(compX4, volume balancing, volume boost, clapping reduction, fades)
[Track 1 -> Audacity(noise reduction R & L channels)-> MP3]
Track 2 -> Audacity(noise reduction R channel)
->CDWave (split)->Flac sector 8, sector boundaries aligned.
Flacs tested and ffps created using Traders' Little Helper.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: