I don't know if this has ever been shared here, but it is not currently on the tracker. I have shared this
recording in the past via vines and trades, so it has been circulated previously.
Most Wishbone Ash fans are aware of the annual Ashcon gatherings in the UK. The band, friends and fans
get together for an entire day of Ash events. The day includes such activities as guitar clinics, Q&A
sessions, memorabilia auctions, and the day is topped off by a hell of a concert, often featuring
guest musicians.
In 2001, the idea came about to hold an Ashcon event across the pond. In fact, it occurred ON the pond.
The band and about 125 of their faithful following boarded the Carnival ship Jubilee in Tampa for a 4-day
Labor Day weekend cruise, stopping in Key West, FL and Cozumel, Mexico. The capper was a private concert
that began just before we departed Cozumel at midnight on the final day.
I copied my master DAT to 2 CD-R's using an HHB 830 Standalone. In the process, I split Way Of The World
into two parts. My apologies for this, but it still works pretty well. I sent the CD-R's to TAFKAS, who
tracked the show and returned it to me. I ripped the wav files with EAC, and created FLAC files with
Traders Little Helper on July 2, 2012. Sound quality is very good.
I hope you enjoy the show.
Wishbone Ash
Carnival Jubilee
Cozumel, Mexico
2001-09-01 (September 1, 2001)
Recording Gear: Realistic 33-1063 Omnis > Sony D7 DAT
DAT Master copied to HHB 830 Standalone
Mastering and Artwork by TAFKAS (The Artist Formerly Known As Slipkid)
Wav files ripped with EAC > TLH > FLAC (Level 8)
.ffp Files included
---Disc 1---
01. Real Guitars Have Wings
02. Mountainside
03. Runaway
04. You See Red
05. The King Will Come
06. Throw Down The Sword
07. Bona Fide
08. Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda
09. Faith, Hope, And Love
10. Almighty Blues
11. Sometime World
---Disc 2---
01. Strange Affair
02. Living Proof
03. Blowing Free
04. Hard Times
05. Way Of The World (Part One)
06. Way Of The World (Part Two)
07. Jailbait
08. Untitled Lullaby
09. Blind Eye*
10. Baby, What You Want Me To Do*
11. She Don't Love Me, She Loves My Automobile*
Andy Powell-Guitars, Lead Vocals
Ben Granfelt-Guitars, Vocals
Bob Skeat-Bass, Vocals
Ray Weston-Drums
The Flyin' Ryan Brothers-Guitars
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: