Women Who Sing and Play Traditional Music
Traditional stage
Wilkesboro NC
Supporting players:
Carol Rifkin - harmony vocal on t10
Scotty Owenby - mandolin on t8, t10,
guitar on t20
Marshall Goers - mandolin on t14
0 Traditional stage introduction
1 intro, talk
2 Bayla Davis: Shady Grove
3 talk
4 Donna Ray Norton: Pretty Peggy-o
5 talk
6 Liz Lanham : I'm Troubled
7 talk
8 Carol Rifkin: No Hiding Place
9 talk
10 Anna Morris: Fair and Tender Ladies
11 talk
12 Melanie Rice: Wagoner's Lad
13 talk
14 Lucy Allen: We Shall All Be Reunited
15 talk
16 Bayla Davis: Pretty Fair Maid
17 talk
18 Donna Ray Norton: Fine Sally
19 talk
20 Liz Lanham: Big Eyed Rabbit
21 talk
22 All: Keep On the Sunny Side
23 outro
SP-CMC-8 (cardioid) > Tascam DR-100mkIII @ 24/44.1 > Sound Studio (16 bit save, tracking) > xACT (fix SBEs and fall conversion)
Compressed 15X above -9 db with 8.6 dB post gain.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
WomenWhoSingAndPlayTraditionalMusic2024-04-28MerlefestNorthWilkesboroNC (8).jpg
WomenWhoSingAndPlayTraditionalMusic2024-04-28MerlefestNorthWilkesboroNC (9).jpg