Sputnikhalle, Muenster, Germany
Alterna Sounds Festival
April - 05 - 2014
Act # 2 (19:15 -> 19:50)
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
Okm2R -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume adjustment only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by yours truly at stage edge dead center. No chatters or anything else disturbing here (that'll all follow on the other bands), just a...nice tape.
But probably you know, there was no barstool/bartable fixed there for an old lazy taper like me...Sigh...Overall sound wasn't really fine in the cafe section. Sorry!
First, thanks a lot to the crew of KRACH AM BACH FESTIVAL, as they supported this wonderful evening with their good taste for music that works in your mind, but not only get
washed away by some elevator emergency peep...Well, second, the location was pretty cool. Relaxed security, you enter a beergarden, and then a rather "sugar-trashy" ballroom
with two separate rooms, a "Cafe" and "Hall". So, as the stages switched, there was only a 15 minute break between each band.
My thanks to "my crew" from the Stammtisch, and all the fine musicians I listened to. Alterna Sound Festival 2015...I'm in...find me somewhere close to the edge...of stage!
18:30 MINDREADER (Hall) (Beckum)
19:15 WOOLY ANTSHAKE (Cafe) (M�nster)
20:00 MONKEY 3 (Hall) (Lausane)
21:00 COOGAN'S BLUFF (Cafe) (Rostock)
22:00 COLOUR HAZE (Hall) (M�nchen)
Second band from the lovely ALTERNA SOUNDS FESTIVAL was another local act, this time straight from the city where the festival was. WOOLY ANTSHAKE... thogh I didn't really enjoyed
their set, you know, it sounds different on the tape. If you like some high energy rockn' roll a la HELLACOPTERS or GLUECIFER, you're right in for some garage. WEll, nothing more,
nothing less...30 minutes of pure 90's rock...Hope you'll like it, despite the rather weird sound.. SB.
FULL SHOW (36:05 min.)
01. Celluloid jam (6:54)
02. New song (5:25)
03. Zombie of the future (3:42)
04. Hey (2:39)
05. F.U.C.K. (5:54)
06. Riot (at the gates) (5:07)
07. Wail on the cocaine (6:20)
the usual facebook ect. accounts...
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
Keep lineage and taper info intact!
If you sell, go straight to hell...
Jonas (Bass)
Marco (Drums/Vocals)
Mars (Guitar/Vocals)
Heli (Guitar/Vocals)
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2014/04/08.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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